The Trustee and Advisors of the Land Between The Lakes Association, Inc.[ Friends of Land Between the Lakes (the Association)], have developed the following materials to guide its employees, leaders, and partners as employees serve the visiting public.


The mission of the Land Between The Lakes Association (Friends of Land Between The Lakes) is to work with public and private stakeholders to educate, improve, promote, conserve, and provide stewardship for the Land Between The Lakes (LBL) National Recreation Area.


The vision of the Land Between The Lakes Association; Friends of Land Between The Lakes is to be a growing organization which continues to be a productive partner of the managing agency for the Land Between The Lakes National Recreation Area. Friends of Land Between The Lakes will have a diverse membership in terms of age, race, gender, geographic location, and areas of interest. Our efforts will help to increase visitation to Land Between The Lakes while enhancing the quality of the visitation experience. We will have a solid base of corporate partners from throughout the region surrounding Land Between The Lakes and will be a staunch advocate at the local, state and national level for the valuable programs and practices conducted in the Land Between The Lakes National Recreation Area.