Shoreline and Litter
Our team of volunteers is an essential element of Friends of Land Between the Lakes.
Every volunteer moment is a step into a world of wonder and delight.
- cleaning supplies provided
- meet people like you who love nature
- take pride in your accomplishments
Call: (270) 924-2007
Email: volunteer@friendsoflbl.org
Many Hands Make a Big Difference
Join the eco-warriors at Land Between The Lakes and turn the tide against litter! Our shoreline cleanup is more than just picking up trash; it’s a crusade to preserve the pristine beauty of our shores. As nature’s guardians, we rally every month to restore the environment to its natural glory.
Whether you’re a solo eco-hero or part of a green team, your efforts are crucial. Seamlessly integrate a cleanup quest into your Land Between The Lakes adventure, and leave a trail of cleanliness wherever you roam. With all supplies on us and no red tape, it’s never been easier to make a difference. Step up and be the change—our shores are calling for your helping hands!
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General Volunteer Application
Complete and submit this form to apply for our Volunteer Program. Please note that this is to gather preliminary information about you, your availability information, etc.. Our Volunteer Coordinator will contact you to finalize plans.