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Our team of volunteers is an essential element of Friends of Land Between the Lakes.

Every volunteer moment is a step into a world of wonder and delight.

  • assist guests
  • lend a hand with animal care
  • help with garden maintenance

Call: (270) 924-2007

News / Announcements
Volunteer Application

Illuminate the wonders of Land Between The Lakes

Capture the essence of adventure and become the lens through which the world sees the wonders of our National Recreation Area. Your unique perspective can help showcase the beauty and excitement of this cherished landscape.

We’re looking for passionate shutterbugs to volunteer their talents and snap the moments that make this place extraordinary. Whether it’s the thrill of our events or the serenity of your personal journey through LBL, your photographs can tell a story that words alone cannot.


Photography Volunteer News and Announcements

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi semper elementum magna, id ultrices sem aliquet eu. Nulla consectetur hendrerit tincidunt. Cras finibus convallis lorem, ac auctor sapien suscipit sed. Fusce quis mi iaculis, euismod dolor congue, facilisis augue. Curabitur diam urna, varius vel elementum eget, laoreet ut purus. Vivamus aliquet tortor ultrices egestas tincidunt. Cras interdum enim et sapien hendrerit, at condimentum neque placerat. Quisque non tellus cursus, sagittis risus vel, venenatis tellus. Nunc ac tortor egestas, pulvinar felis vitae, interdum libero. Curabitur tempor vulputate libero, et feugiat enim mattis vel. Aenean eu nisi vel diam dignissim suscipit. Morbi leo turpis, vehicula sit amet suscipit non, egestas nec nisi.

Duis odio velit, luctus vitae metus in, efficitur euismod tortor. Morbi non molestie justo. Sed tempor massa et lacus scelerisque, ut volutpat sapien consequat. Aenean eget aliquam diam, sed scelerisque ante. Duis efficitur neque non sagittis vulputate. Ut malesuada urna a odio finibus, sed dignissim odio malesuada. Donec accumsan ultricies orci vitae malesuada. Fusce fringilla mauris turpis, id sollicitudin felis suscipit eget. Morbi luctus vel dui quis tempus. Maecenas faucibus augue eget egestas consequat. Phasellus tincidunt eu mi id facilisis. Ut finibus ullamcorper nunc, at volutpat erat malesuada quis.

Digital Marketing

Proin pulvinar imperdiet enim, nec tristique sem dignissim nec. Vestibulum sagittis nulla augue, id malesuada orci euismod ac. Maecenas viverra cursus odio, quis sagittis eros ornare in. Suspendisse ut urna ligula. Curabitur aliquam faucibus risus, volutpat consectetur arcu venenatis sit amet. Nulla consectetur eros sed tellus fermentum, in bibendum lectus vehicula. Integer nisl massa, lacinia sit amet congue nec, pharetra in ante. Integer eu eleifend purus, eu efficitur diam. Mauris vel orci rhoncus velit aliquam dignissim id sed dui. In at vulputate odio. Integer vel nisi tempus, tristique mauris sit amet, tincidunt quam. Aenean at varius est. Aenean nec augue non nulla dapibus sodales. Ut lacus velit, lobortis non neque in, auctor commodo libero. Pellentesque nec euismod lectus, quis accumsan odio.

Attractions Volunteer Application

Complete and submit this form to apply for our Attractions Volunteer Program. Please note that this is to gather preliminary information about you, your availability information, etc.. Our Volunteer Coordinator will contact you to finalize plans.

Photography Volunteer Application

Choose FilesNo Files ChosenAccepted file types: jpg, jpeg, jpe, png, tiff, tif, zip. Max. file size: 512 MB

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All submissions regardless of quality are appreciated, grow your skill and portfolio while helping record our events and activities.

Model Release forms are required for images of any persons under the age of 18 and any photos that prominently feature an individual who is not a staff member or volunteer. Our Volunteer Coordinator can provide you with the appropriate forms and releases.

Volunteer official photographers are advised NOT to submit work they wish to hold ownership under copyright and fair use laws. Works submitted by official volunteer photographers to USDA Forest Service Land Between the Lakes, Friends of Land Between the Lakes, and its partners will fall under public domain status.

As an official photographer, the photos, videos, and audio recordings plus written documents submitted to Land Between the Lakes become the property of the U.S. Federal Government. All work completed or owned by the Federal Government rest in the public domain. Public domain products “…are not protected by intellectual property laws (copyright, trademark, or patent laws)—which means it’s free for you to use without permission.”