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Amphibians and Reptiles of Land Between the Lakes


The species of amphibians and reptiles described and illustrated in this book are either known to occur in LBL or are strongly suspected to occur there on the basis of their known occurrence around the area and the availability of apparently suitable habitat.



Authors: David H. Snyder, A. Floyd Scott, Edmund J. Zimmerman and David F. Frymire

The species of amphibians and reptiles described and illustrated in this book are either known to occur in LBL or are strongly suspected to occur there on the basis of their known occurrence around the area and the availability of apparently suitable habitat.

Probably no group of animals or plants is more maligned and mistreated than amphibians and reptiles, especially snakes. In reality, some potentially dangerous forms deserve respect, not vilification, because they are a fascinating lot and the more one learns about them, the more fascinating and less fearsome they become.

This handy reference illustrates the collective ecological effect that these underappreciated species have on the habitats in which they thrive. Whether you are a professional or backyard naturalist, this book is an indispensable resource for understanding these fascinating creatures.

University of Kentucky Press