Elk & Bison Prairie
Bugle Corps Volunteers
Our team of volunteers is an essential element of Friends of Land Between the Lakes.
- 55,000 hours of service the past five years
- Value of hours in excess of $900,000
Call: (270) 924-2007
Email: volunteer@friendsoflbl.org
We Need You!
The Bugle Corps is essential in our self-service Prairie. This team of volunteers monitors the Elk and Bison Prairie. As elk and bison roam free, the Bugle Corps keep our visitors and animals safe by reminding visitors of the rules. They report any incidents on the prairie, work to keep it litter-free and provide interpretive services.
Bugle Corps Volunteers help visitors gain an understanding of why the prairie is important as an ecosystem as they answer questions about the Elk and Bison Prairie and all the wildlife it encompasses.Â
Digital Marketing
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Attractions Volunteer Application
Complete and submit this form to apply for our Attractions Volunteer Program. Please note that this is to gather preliminary information about you, your availability information, etc.. Our Volunteer Coordinator will contact you to finalize plans.