Please remember that the work of the Friends of Land Between the Lakes can be greatly aided by your efforts and support.

This effort may be through your involvement as a volunteer at Woodlands Nature Station, Golden Pond Planetarium or Observatory, the Homeplace Working Farm and Living History Museum, at the Elk and Bison Prairie or at other efforts on trails and within wildlife areas. Your involvement is instrumental in our efforts to be a success.
Your support may be through financial support of the organization in the form of gifts and such. What ever you give you support our efforts to educate visitors and provide services to those who visit Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area for so many reasons.
Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do for service and for caring for the land.
If you would like to become a member instead, click here,

Click on the button for the campaign you wish to support. Your donation is secure.

You can help us provide education and service through your donations

Many Land Between The Lakes Association employees continue to perform their duties caring for the facilities at the Woodlands Nature Station, the Homeplace Working Farm and Living History Museum and other important work for this special place at this time.

We also continue to provide information in a variety of channels to keep the public informed and up to date about the animals and the programs which are being developed and delivered.

These tasks and other important tasks and services being provided by staff of Land Between The Lakes Association (Friends of Land Between the Lakes) require funds to continue to be delivered for the benefit of the citizens of the region as well as for the health and welfare of the animals and staff.

Please consider helping to fund this action by your donation at this time.  We know that it is a challenge for many persons due to job challenges.  Any help you could provide will be enormously helpful to us.  THANK YOU.


General Support

Friends of Land Between the Lakes needs your help in many ways to continue to provide the support to visitors at this spectacular environmental and wildlife education place. Your donation wherever the need is greatest.



Bobcat Barrens Project at the Woodlands Nature Station

Assist in creating a more exciting and helpful environment at the Woodlands Nature Station to care for our “Kentucky Wild Cat.”

Video – Bobcat Barrens at the Woodlands Nature Station



Planetarium Improvement

Help us to make improvements within our Earth Science and Astronomy center at Land Between the Lakes



School Grant Program

Help children visit our facilities at Land Between the Lakes to participate in experiential (hands on) learning.